Tuesday, May 17, 2011

How Was a Family Raised in Medieval Times

            If a women had more money than a women with less money, then the women with more money had more kids. She had more kids because she had moeny to provide for the kid(s). Women usually had their children in their home with their female friend and female family. The father of the kid wasnt there during the birth, and he wasnt there during the child's life either. So the mother's had no help from the father. The father's of kids basically acted like they didnt even have a kid, they just kept living their life like they were before they had a child. The rich mother's were able to hire a nurse to help feed the baby and take care of it. On the other hand, the poor mother's they had to do it all alone. They breastfed the baby and sometimes the baby didnt evn have clothes because the mother wasn't able to supply it for the child. Sometimes children were raised in two different ways. The first way was that children were counted for little or nothing, and the other was that they should have been cared for and feel loved! How we treat children today is WAAAAYYYY different than in medieval times. Like today there is a law saying something like children shouldn't be beat to death. In medieval times it wasnt't wrong. The children who suffered the most were the poor children that lived with a poor family, they weren't so much beat but the poor families they usually sold their child to get money since they were unfortunate. The wealthy people they just sent their children away to be brought up by a different family. They usually did this around the age of seven.

1 comment:

  1. I think the dads should have been around for the children because it must have been hard raising kids on your own and the children having no dad.
